Each week I tell a brief story about something I found amusing, touching, or meaningful. My intent is not to blather on about all things “me,†but to prompt others to think about the best part of their day. Gratitude is important, and focusing on what is right/great/exciting rather than what is wrong/bad/irritating spirals us ever upwards into a better direction and energy.
So this week, my friends, I simply challenge you to reflect on the best moment of your day. Hopefully you’ll realize how much of each day is extraordinary. That, in turn, should produce many smiles before you go to sleep. Try it for one week and see if it makes a difference in your awareness concerning your experiences, your blessings, and your gifts.
Then, if you feel moved to do so, share the best part of your day with the rest of us. Please! Maybe we can become a feminine army of positive thinkers, seers, and doers. Just thinking about it is the best part of my day.
On Thursday morning I had coffee with a friend. After the wonderful time with her, I went for my run. Running upriver, I passed a 20-something woman walking her adorable dog and shouted out a “Beautiful dog!” to her. I continued on my route, and about 15 minutes later, passed her again. She shouted something to me, and when I took out by earbuds, she repeated, “You are SO fast! I just met you a few minutes ago!” It didn’t need to be true to be the best part of MY day.
Oh, you know you’re fast. And I mean that in the most lady-like way. Don’t believe me? Ask your husband–that guy trying to keep up with you while walking! Zoom, zoom!
Can some MEN join your armay of positive thinkers?
Only men with pure hearts, wicked grins, and huge…personalities. 🙂