When we die we leave behind us all we have, and take with us all we are. – Author Unknown
Have you ever heard a story that not only left you breathless, but opened to possibilities? A story that touched upon long-held beliefs? I have, and it happened a few days ago.
I was sitting at the chiropractor’s office staring at the ceiling, walls, and artwork. What else was there to do as he took notes in my chubby chart? (Back and neck issues…don’t get me started.) As my eyes wandered I took in a large tapestry that reminded me of clouds on a stormy day. I saw several prints that invited reflection, and an image of a bear hanging from a wooden branch.
Noticing that my distraction, Dr. Mark gave me a questioning look.
“I’m just enjoying your art choices,” I said.
Dr. Mark laughed and pulled a child’s drawing off a shelf.
“This one my child drew some years ago. I call it a ‘study in blue.'”
A tornado of blue smears, lines and squiggles covered the paper.
“Great name choice,” I said.
“It’s a keeper, for sure.” Then he took down another piece of paper and looked at it for a few moments before showing it to me. “This one I will keep forever.”
The bright, crayon-colored, page showed a kitten with wings.
Dr. Mark went on to tell me the artist-a child between the ages of 5-8, had been run over by a tractor. Her injuries were so horrific she died. She then came back while on the operating table. He was treating her between many ongoing operations to put her face and body back together.
One day she said, “I wasn’t with Jesus very long.”
“You were with Jesus?”
“Oh, yes.”
“What did he look like?”
She scrunched her eyes. “It was hard to see him because he was so bright.”
“Did you touch him?” asked Dr. Mark.
“Yes. I held on to his arm while the doctors were with me. Jesus told me not to be scared, so I wasn’t.”
The little girl told him details about her accident–actions of the first responders, and the doctors–that there was no way she could have known. It was his belief she had observed it all while away from her broken body.
I looked at the colored kitten again. Happy rainbow colors belied the pain of the creator.
“It was a miracle she survived,” said Dr. Mark. “I asked if I could touch her hand because she had touched Jesus. She said ‘yes,’ and when I did the energy coming from her was electric. She gave me her artwork as a gift, and I cherish it.”
As I drove home I felt comforted by the story. Many events happen in our lives that don’t make sense. Loss, pain, deprivation, and fear to name a few. We, at times, feel alone.
But are we?
I thought of the child’s artwork–beauty beyond pain– and felt warmth run the length of my body. Belief had found its spark.
How about you? Do believe in an afterlife and/or a greater presence?
Thanks for popping by, Kathy. I love hearing from you.