If you’re always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.
–Maya Angelou
Okay. I could stay home and do the work that needing doing, or, I could go to the North Shore with my photography club and play. A normal person would say, “Duuuuuuh! Go. Play.” I, however, agonized over the decision. For days.
My brain conversations went something like this:
Devil brain: If you go you will have less time to do XYZ, and X is kicking your generous butt. (Don’t make me think about how tight your pants are getting. Wait! Where was I?) You know what to do. Stay home. Get your stuff done.
Angel brain: Gail! Life is short. You want to take photographs. It’s part of who you are. (And your pants aren’t that tight. Yet.)
Devil brain: You’ll regret going because then the pile of work will be that much higher and harder to catch up on. Stay home. Geez! Why are you even thinking about going? Remember when you were, um, responsible?
Angel brain: La, la, la. The sky will dance with fluffy clouds. Lake Superior will fill you with peace. Darn it! If you don’t get out you’ll stagnate. These are your peeps! Go learn from them, laugh with them, be with them. Stop making me mind-yell at you.
Devil brain: Really? Really? Do you want to hear yelling? You’re avoiding your deadlines, Gail. DEADLINES. Do you want sarcasm? Toot, toot, here comes the procrastination train. Next stop, Gail’s schedule. Choo, choo. Billowing steam erupts. STAY HOME.
Angel brain: Pffft. All work and no play lead to the zombie apocalypse. Do you want that on your conscious, too? You are turning into a goodie two-shoes zombie. And everybody knows they are the worst of the worst. Go replenish/zombie proof yourself, already.
About this time I realized my husband was staring at me.
“What are you thinking about?” he said.
“I’m on the fence about going to the North Shore with the photo club. There’s so much to do at home and I feel as though I never catch up. On the other hand, I want to support the club members by being actively involved.”
My husband, ever so softly, said, “Those sound like should’s. What would be good for you?”
I ducked my head. “Taking photographs on the North Shore with my friends.”
So I went. I had a gloriously happy day. The weather was cool, but the sunshine abundant. There were fluffy dancing clouds. Lake Superior did bring me peace. My photo club friends did teach me new techniques, and they did make me laugh.
Was the pile of work waiting? Yep. Did I do the right thing for me? Yep.
Leave a response below and let me know how you handle the devil and angel brains in your life. Who wins most often? Why?
Oh my gosh, how did your brain get in mine?
We all win as we get to experience the North Shore through your pictures and it fills my heart happy.
Just the choice between……..
Angel and Devil
should say enough. Life is much too short. You did good.
I heard a song this morning with the lyrics something like: She had the face of an angel with devil horns under her halo. My husband looked at me and said, “Reminds me of someone I know.” Life IS short! Thanks for visiting Steve.