“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.†— Lao Tzu
- Cat Mint
- November White Flower
- November Phlox
Last week I was poetically whining about the slushy snowfall, and today we had a chance of breaking a Minnesota record by hitting 70 degrees three days in a row. In November.
Let’s see…hot, cold. Hot, cold. That sounds vaguely familiar to my hot flashes. Could it be that Mother Nature is in menopause? She’s certainly moody. And she does what she wants when she wants, so that fits too. Hmmm.
I decided to poke about the yard late this afternoon to see what was left of my garden. It is November, and in a typical year everything that had bloomed is usually a withered brown memory. Not today.
To my surprise, I found a few flowers not only blooming but defiantly pretty. I stopped watering my plants some time ago, so these babies are determined to be seen and respected. That is another trait in common with menopausal women. Watch out world! We are NOT going to go quietly into the night.
I’ll say it one more time just because I’m trying to wrap my head around it…it is NOVEMBER, and I still have flowers in my yard.
Here are photographs of the hardy little blossoms, hand-held camera, on a dark and windy afternoon. Need I say they are the best part of my day?
- Tiny Brown-Eyed Susan With Spider Broach
- November Aster
- November Geraniums
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