In my office postive statements hang, dangle, and shine from many places. Although some folks may roll their eyes at such classic “warm fuzzy” prompts, I take comfort from the reminders daily. Why not marinate in good thoughts? Here is one of my favorites by Jodi Hills—“She wasn’t where she had been. She wasn’t where she was going, but she was on her way.” I love her words because they describe me perfectly. Verbal smatterings of wisdom scattered like bread crumbs leading to a better attitude…corny or not…they are the best part of my day.

A Message From Gail
Through my blog and website, I hope to share beauty, laughter, inspiration, aging & midlife lessons and advice on dealing with menopause. I will also devote time to integrative health and healing tips and news. I want feedback and questions because, while we may be sharing the journey, every woman has her own experience and her own story.
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