Angelina Jolie approaches the microphone, juts out her hip, and poses her leg through the thigh-high slit of her black velvet evening gown. My husband gives an appreciative sigh. “I like her dress,” he said with a glazed expression and just a hint of drool. Truth be told, I liked it too. Although she seems concerningly thin these days, Angelina is the type of woman who magnetizes a room the minute she enters. I can only dream of having that kind of feminine power! (I swear I’d use it for good! Please God! Please?)The hoopla following her leg exposure—both on the red carpet and later on stage—has kept tongues wagging for days. Why? Why are people ready to pounce on her every word or deed? Why are people so quick to hate her?
If you’ve ever had the experience of standing in a check-out line at a grocery store, I bet you’ve noticed the same thing I have. If a magazine has Angelina and/or Brad on the cover, they usually run a story about Jennifer Aniston too. The writers refuse to move on. Somehow the stories tend to be slanted to say that Angie is ruining her children’s lives, or ruining Brad’s life, or is a drug addict, or…
Meanwhile, Jen remains America’s sweetheart who cannot find love or the ability to conceive after Brad left her for evil Angelina. I find it interesting that people don’t judge Brad too harshly on his part in the triangle. He’s given more of a victim status. After all an ugly, socially inept, guy like him didn’t stand a chance against Angelina’s charms. Right. Uh-huh.
I have long believed that if a person is happy in a relationship he or she doesn’t tend to wander into the arms or relationship of another. That’s not 100%, but a pretty decent statistic based on my experiences. Whenever I see Brad and Angie together they seem in tune with each other. They touch, they smile, they put up with a zillion cameras shoved in their faces. They have created a family together in a world of criticism and glitter. So why am I blogging about this? Well, I have a theory about Angelina’s leg at the Academy Award show and thought I’d run it by the rest of you.
My husband and I like to be playful with each other. Teasing and intimate whispers are part of who we are as a couple, and our eyes sparkle as a result. To give an example: We were riding on a shuttle bus between airport terminals one day, which essentially means we were standing like vertical sardines in a moving can. I noticed the woman in front of us had an extremely generous posterior and her thong-line was evident through her skin-tight jeggings.
I whispered to my husband, “I’ll give you a quarter if you pinch her. We’re in a crowd, she’ll never know it was you.”
He, as usual, rolled his eyes and said, “Wow. A whole quarter?”
I shook my head and sighed. “It’s not about the money, it’s about the challenge!”
Well, he almost never, ever, takes my dares, but I sometimes take his. (Stories for another time.)
If you look at the video of Angelina going up to the microphone, her leg jut motion seems very deliberate. Notice who she is looking at when she does it. Yep, straight at her lover-boy, Brad, sitting directly in front of her. Who, by the way, is known as quite a prankster. I’m thinking Brad bet Angie a quarter she wouldn’t stick her leg out of that thigh high slit every chance she got that night. I’m thinking he had to pay her off afterwards. I’m thinking they had a good laugh at the hub-bub that resulted, and a good romp in the bedroom afterwards. I’m thinking they are pretty darn happy together and it is time to let go of the Jennifer-Angelina-Brad love triangle that only exists in publication sales.
Edward Lawrence Gibson: “I was never less alone than while by myself.”