I love quotes. I love them even more when they are short and pithy. Mark Twain said, “If a man holds a cat by the tail, he learns things he cannot learn in any other way.†All I can say is amen to that.
A good short quote is sometimes the kick in the butt needed to move forward. Or, it can be a laugh inducer, an “ah-ha†maker, or a great segue in a talk or Power Point presentation. Far too often for me, it is a “gee why didn’t I think of that?†sentiment.
The best bit of wisdom I ever summoned never made it as a quotable quote emblazoned on Tee shirts, plaques, or sun catchers. My wisdom was born of irritation with some of the girls in my high school, circa the 1970’s, and died soon after in a credit-less grave. What was it you ask? Why thank you, I’d love to share it:
“A girls reputation spreads about as far as her legs.â€
Hey, before you get all snippy with me, remember high school was a looooooong time ago. The sexual revolution was still dominated by male principles, and women who “did it†before marriage were considered sluts. Guys who did it before marriage were considered happy, healthy, and manly men. In other words, things then were pretty much as they are today. But I digress.
My husband brought home the latest copy of AARP this afternoon, and I turned to the article on Maria Shriver. She’s a woman who has lived her life in the public eye and has shown grace and kindness under stressful circumstances. I find her fascinating and a reminder that social and financial abundance does not leave one immune to hard times.
In the article the interviewer comments on Maria’s office décor. Apparently among the light and airy atmosphere there are a number of quotes scattered about bookshelves and on her desk top. The one that caught my attention said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.â€
I don’t believe I have heard that before and Googled the quote to see who said it. Surprise, surprise, it is credited to Mr. Mark Twain. Geez, I love him.
I don’t know how he became so smart and so snarky all in one amazing package, but I admit to envying his mind.
Would you share one or two of your favorite quotes with the rest of us?
In the meanwhile, here’s to sharp minds that cut to the core of our culture with great quotes. They are the best part of my day.
I ADORE Mark Twain. Thank you for sharing that fabulous cat quote to your readers. My current favorite is “When you learn, teach. When you get, give.” Maya Angelou
Hi Claudia. I know Mr. Twain had his own share of life challenges, but a lack of wisdom wasn’t one of them. Thank you for sharing Maya’s words. Beautiful.