Sorry to blather on about my husband, but he is the best part of my day. I’ve been feeling the dings and dents of stress lately…I have homework to do, lots going on in my personal life, friends who are in a low place and need comforting, and so on. I mentioned that I was going to chain myself to my computer until I finished a piece I’ve been working on for weeks. Around 11 p.m. last night Tad wandered into my office and said he was heading to bed, kissed me, and left. He’s sweet like that. Later, as my mind was in full-on monkey chatter mode, I decided it was time to stop, let the “stuff” go, and snuggle in next to my husband. To my delight I realized Tad had cleaned the house while I was wrestling with my paper. He knew I was trying to figure out when I would fit the house chores into my schedule, so he took care of it for me. As huge a gift as that is…I love a clean house…what blows me away is his constant and continued support and thoughtfulness. Yeah, he’s a Tad special.
“Can miles truly separate you from friends… If you want to be with someone you love, aren’t you already there?” ~ Richard Bach
Wow! Thank you! I continually needed to write on my website something like that. Can I include a fragment of your post to my site?